Aujourd'hui, bon nombre d'albums sont introuvables sur les shops car trop anciens et/ou produits en quantité insuffisante. C'est bien emmerdant quand tu veux mettre la main sur des albums sortis il y a plus de 5 ans. Et ça l'est d'autant plus quand les labels ont mis la clef sous la porte.
J'ai questionné saiko et psyshop à ce sujet (désolé pour l'angliche)
réponse de saiko :
Unfortunately there is no simple answer. The reasons that something is out of stock can be one of many eg, simply waiting for a shipment to arrive here, out of print (waiting to be repressed), deleted, out of stock at a distribuitor who is awaiting restocks from the label etc. To complicate thing further quite often there are several diferent distributor for the same item so we might still be able to get it quckly even if it's sold out from our normal source - conversely, often a release goes out of print with the label, who then notifies all their retail sellers, but it can still be available at a distributor.
So, there is no precise meaning for "out of stock" other than the fact that we do not physically have any at that time.
If you want to ask about specific releases we will try to give you all the information that we have for each one (ça s'est sympa )- I'm sorry that we can't have that info online for everything, but that would be totally impossible to maintain.
Bye for now
Celle de psyshop : (beaucoup plus brêve)
Some "not available" CDs we will get again some CDs are not printed
Pour conclure, est-ce que c'est monnaie courante que des albums soient réédités ?
Si oui, est ce que ça concerne seulement les albums à succès ?
Si vous avez des exemples d'albums ré-édités ou d'autres éléments à m'apporter , des liens ou autre, c'est cool
Aujourd'hui, bon nombre d'albums sont introuvables sur les shops car trop anciens et/ou produits en quantité insuffisante. C'est bien emmerdant quand tu veux mettre la main sur des albums sortis il y a plus de 5 ans. Et ça l'est d'autant plus quand les labels ont mis la clef sous la porte.
J'ai questionné saiko et psyshop à ce sujet (désolé pour l'angliche)
réponse de saiko :
Unfortunately there is no simple answer. The reasons that something is out of stock can be one of many eg, simply waiting for a shipment to arrive here, out of print (waiting to be repressed), deleted, out of stock at a distribuitor who is awaiting restocks from the label etc. To complicate thing further quite often there are several diferent distributor for the same item so we might still be able to get it quckly even if it's sold out from our normal source - conversely, often a release goes out of print with the label, who then notifies all their retail sellers, but it can still be available at a distributor.
So, there is no precise meaning for "out of stock" other than the fact that we do not physically have any at that time.
If you want to ask about specific releases we will try to give you all the information that we have for each one (ça s'est sympa )- I'm sorry that we can't have that info online for everything, but that would be totally impossible to maintain.
Bye for now
Celle de psyshop : (beaucoup plus brêve)
Some "not available" CDs we will get again some CDs are not printed
Pour conclure, est-ce que c'est monnaie courante que des albums soient réédités ?
Si oui, est ce que ça concerne seulement les albums à succès ?
Si vous avez des exemples d'albums ré-édités ou d'autres éléments à m'apporter , des liens ou autre, c'est cool