hey tout le monde avec l'arrivée ces dernières semaines du S.O.L.E.I.L mes oreilles voulait écouter autre chose que l’éternel kick snare monotone et sérieux de l’électronique pour qqch de plus chill et coloré, du coup j'en ai profité pour sortir de ma zone de confort et vous regroupe les derniers coup de cœur du moment ^^ avec la playlist dispo sur sc

Halo 4 by Neil Davidge - Green & Blue (KOAN Sound Remix)
Bogtrotter - Wub Specter
Mumukshu - Contact Code
Detox Unit - Systems Offline
Quanta - Eminations
Subconscious - New Growth
Detox unit - Interior Crocodile
Paolo Conte - Via Con Me (It's Wonderful) (Milk & Sugar Afterlife Mix)
Basement Freaks - All That Funk!
Defkline & Red Polo - It Ain't All Good
JFB - Wobble & Squeak
Royal Blood - Stain Remover
Phibes - Bust That Rhythm
Tahuna Breaks - Giddy Up (A.Skillz Remix)
The McMash Clan - Lost Race
Whitebear - Pulling Teeth
Tribone - Unconscious Matter
Status Zero - Arthur And The Invisibles
Astropilot & Tribone - Iron Abyss
Alwoods - We Are Modern Shamans
Suduaya - Knots Of Eternity
Cydelix - Fresh Sky
Gnomes Of Kush - The Fifth Experience (ManMadeMan Remix)
-> https://soundcloud.com/betrunken18/astronautmix-glitch-funk-downtempo

Halo 4 by Neil Davidge - Green & Blue (KOAN Sound Remix)
Bogtrotter - Wub Specter
Mumukshu - Contact Code
Detox Unit - Systems Offline
Quanta - Eminations
Subconscious - New Growth
Detox unit - Interior Crocodile
Paolo Conte - Via Con Me (It's Wonderful) (Milk & Sugar Afterlife Mix)
Basement Freaks - All That Funk!
Defkline & Red Polo - It Ain't All Good
JFB - Wobble & Squeak
Royal Blood - Stain Remover
Phibes - Bust That Rhythm
Tahuna Breaks - Giddy Up (A.Skillz Remix)
The McMash Clan - Lost Race
Whitebear - Pulling Teeth
Tribone - Unconscious Matter
Status Zero - Arthur And The Invisibles
Astropilot & Tribone - Iron Abyss
Alwoods - We Are Modern Shamans
Suduaya - Knots Of Eternity
Cydelix - Fresh Sky
Gnomes Of Kush - The Fifth Experience (ManMadeMan Remix)
-> https://soundcloud.com/betrunken18/astronautmix-glitch-funk-downtempo