Manifold - Mental Suggestion [Sun Station Records]

Sun Station records presents

[color=blue][size=15] Manifold - Mental Suggestion[/size]


artist: Manifold
title: Mental Suggestion
cat.number: SSTAR06
type: album (CD digipack and Digital)
genre: psytrance
tracks: 09
lenght: 68:48 min
release date: September 2008
mastering: Tim Schuldt @ 4CN
cover design: digital artist Anix Gleo

Manifold - Cowboy Whistle
Manifold - Spiral
Manifold - Shizzo I.D.
Manifold - Shiva Gluk
Manifold - Goa Syndrom
Manifold - Close Hall
Manifold - Sadist
Manifold - Doom
Manifold - Biolink (feat. Hyper Synapse)

Review on CD:
Mental Suggestion is the second long awaited album by well known Moscow duo Manifold. Again Edward aka Cybered and Alexander aka Sulima prepared for us something special and very powerfull on effects. They have spent long time researching of how to deliver people to parallel worlds from outside our galaxy straight from the dance floors they’ve performed at. Listening to this album you will get an invaluable experience of travelling to mystical dimensions using fullpower psychedelic sonic vibrations craftfully presented by Manifold. Are you ready for this?

Nearly 3 years have passed since Manifold’s debut album called X-Ray Attraction was released. During this time the project got further fruitful development. Their new album is a result of huge work on combining together different styles and techniques for creating music: ranging from hypnotic techno to GOA melodies, from energy of electro to aggressiveness of darkpsy. On this CD Cybered and Sulima also mix influence of different periods of development in electronic music - all drawn from the best and well-forgotten old one, but with a fresh intelligent approach in making arrangements. As one of trademarks Manifold always use latest technologies in sampling and sound synthesis, and not forgetting about the "fat" the old analog equiment. Mental Suggestion brings 9 absolutely new and charged with "full power" energy tracks. You will defenetly mark massive nighttime stomper "Sadist", mystical melodies in "Doom", involute story of "Spiral", free night flow of "Cowboy Whistle" as well as many other surprising moments. For sure this is an album that not to be missed by any serious psycheldelic trance lover!

Listen to music on-line:

Buy CD at Psyshop, BeatSpace, Neptun Wave, Goa Store.
Buy mp3/wav at Beats Digital, DistElectronic.
Check for other stores at our homepage

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Bon ça fait un petit moment que je l'ai maintenant et apres plusieurs écoutes je suis mitigé et meme un peu deçu....deja les tracks pris un par un manquent "d'efficacité"...
Je mexplique: je pense que c'est un album sympa a ecouter en fond pour l'apéro (attention a l'abus d'alcool lol), des tracks avec des ptites melodies diaboliques mais qui partent vite vers des trucs "pompeux", on attend, on attend et ça fait souvent chaussette alors qu'on est chaud pour "s'explorerer" les meninges d'avantage...voila...par contre la progression est interressante, c'est pourquoi j'aurais ptetre attendu 2 ou 3 tracks sans conssession et plus efficaces sur la fin histoire d'achever le travail entamé...par contre je sais le travail difficile pour composer alors je répète: album quand meme interressant, pas completement noir: marron ou gris quoi!!! Donc sympa pour ceux qui aiment les sons un peu tristes, sombres et torturés sans rentrer dans la "dark" à 160 bpm...
Une psyché qui peut être parlante le matin. Ok si vous achetez beaucoup de son par contre à oublier si vous devez selectionnez a cause des finances par exemple...Et a deconseiller pour les nouveaux venus a l'ecoute "trance"...
Pour les prochaines fois jesserai de faire un review par track mais comme je l'ai deja dis j'ai du mal a imagé la musique donc je prefaire pour l'instant me tenir a un avis global j'en suis desolé.... Smiley
Sun Station records presents

Fullpower night psytrance album!
Out now on CD and Digital! Listen to music + read reviews.

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Buy CD at Psyshop, BeatSpace, Neptun Wave, Goa Store Juno Records Teknasia.

Buy mp3/wav at Beats Digital, DistElectronic, Juno Downloads, Cytopia, Audiojelly, Armada Downloads, Psymp3, D-A-R-K, Etopia, Judge Music, M8 Downloads, Trance Pool, Digital Deejay.

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