6. february 2008 - another psychedelic darkmoon in Indonesia

since 4 years we are celebrating regulary Psy Parties on that paradise island!
Why don't you join us this time dancing all night long with an international line up:
DJ Hixs (Indonesia)
DJ Lucifer (Singapore)
DJ Delysid (Belgium)
DJ Psynoramix (Switzerland)
DJ Babacool (Switzerland)

for pictures of our last parties, please check: [url]www.myspace.com/djbabacool[/url]

more infos will follow soon
[url]www.babacool.ch [/url]
Postfach 1716
Löwengasse 12
4500 Solothurn
Hannnnn Gili Air  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley
Si vous êtes à Bali, faites le "petit" trajet, danser dans un tel lieu n'a pas de prix!
Smiley  c'est vrai que c'est magique!