[citation]<< ECO-TEAM CALLING >>
Among the objectives of the service provided from Ecoteam, the primary one is to keep the location as clean as possible, avoiding damaging and loss of the materials used in Sonica.
Ecoteam 2011 offers a group of volunteers to deal personally with the protection and cleanliness of the place that will host the event. Be a vehicle of information for all participants, and show everyone that a group of motivated young people can manage the activities of a large audience without spending money and asking for nothing more than its commitment.
The presence of volunteers is the center of the project itself, because it ensures that staff is in line with the aims and content expressed during the event.
It will be an opportunity to work as a team, with a group that cooperates with the same purpose, beyond national allegiances, political opinions, religious beliefs, languages and cultures of origin.
The organizers of the Sonica 2011, certain of the fact that the differences of any kind represent an irreplaceable resource and never a problem, will provide Ecoteam the ideal space to implement this learning experience.
Who wants to be part of the project, please contact the referent for Ecoteam 2011 to be registered as a member of staff:
Giovanni Greco
Responsible Ecoteam 2011
mob: +39 3396043153
mail to: ecoteam@re-loaded.org
Being registered as a member of Ecoteam 2011 gives you the right to:
- Recover the full cost of the ticket at the end of the event, after having fulfilled your function as a volunteer.
- Receive a certificate of active participation in the ecological project Ecoteam 2011.
In return you agree to:
- Present yourself at entrance no later than 11:00 am on the 10/8/2011 and remain until completion of the last round of cleaning, which will be on day 17/8/2011
- Staying for the entire duration of the event in a camping area reserved for the "team", you will be shown by supervisors at your arrival, so as to be always available during working hours.
- Do a daily work shift, of total duration of four hour.
C'est à peu prêt ça. Enfin, je pense que c'est quand même bcp de nettoyage, ramassage d'ordure et surveillance du matétiriel du festival. Il faut rester du 10 au 17 ou l'on te demandera de travailler 4h de suite par jour.