RAM "Efficient Chips" Nexus Media Rec

1. Hash Brown
2. Coming Back
3. Retard
4. Onion Rings
5. Beer Nuts
6. Deadly Nightshade
7. Dreamcatcher
8. Sausage and Mashup
9. Ram Dub

Rampant Angry Men release a milestone revolutionary album... Upholding raw, aggressive music. Reacting against mediocrity.

RAM are mad rabid animals modulating ridiculous atmospheres, manipulating rubbery and malleable rendered audio, maintaining rapidity, allowing maximised rage and monstrosity. Radically advanced material, refined and moulded, rapidly alters mental responses as moronic rhythms and mad raucous alien melodies radiate and mutate.

RAM (alias SCORB and NRS) are talented recluse Yod Onsen and the brilliant yet troubled Lek Black - collaborating here for the first time to forge an explosive new underground sound for 2004.

This seminal English hardcore act turned heads with their first release this summer on Fragile Planet Records and follow it up with the epic and extraordinary album "Efficient Chips".

Their genre defining night time barrage began to take shape earlier last year. Lek, fresh after returning from a long European convalescence after his involvement in a bizarre gardening incident, and Yod recovering from a botched alien abduction, obtained a large supply of alcohol and went about creating something new, dynamic and,,, deadly serious. Alas, due to certain irregularities, the project was nearly shelved, but luckily supplies were restored allowing this exciting duo to again see the light of day (and a big thanks go to whoever may be concerned).

  Alors attendez vs a voir ce ptit projet sur bien des compil car c'est de la pure ballle ,franchement ces gars vont tout dechire avec la sorti de leur premier album commun... Smiley
RAM c'est scorb vs neural rectifier syndrome(lek black) ,tous 2 de chez ambivalent rec ...
melange savoureux de fullon et de night cet album risque de vs causez des troubles cerebral irreversible ... Smiley
je vais pas vs en faire une review car je l'ai pas encore mais je m'y met des qu'il sort ...


trax deja sorti:
prochain trax:
Allez vite vite vite !!!! Y'a bon, enfin du son qui bouge, original et psyché à souhaits, que du bonheur !!
[:miam] [:miam] [:miam]

sincerement?.....ouaip y a pas a chier......
héhé, on attend ...........  Smiley
merci panoramix pour cette tres interessante info ...................... j ai hate de decouvrir le style de ram ............ a tres vite ..................    Smiley
C clair ça risque d'etre une sacree bombe ! Smiley