Je suis au grand regret de vous annoncer ceci :
The Trancer's Guide project has been stopped
After five editions of our magazine we have decided to stop the project. This means that there will be no Trancer's Guide 2009. The reason for this action is the difficult economic situation of the trance scene which makes it difficult to finance the project.
It was great fun to work on the Trancer's Guide for all this time and we'd like to thank all contributors and readers for the great work and appreciation.
If you have any questions or feedback, please write to and
Take care of yourself and others,
The Trancer’s Guide Crew
Et, voila une page de l'histoire tournée... je me dissais bien que je n'avais pas vu de petit journeau du trancer guide !!! et oui c'est fini ...
La trance un objet lucratif??? faite moi rire .... en tout cas pour tout ceux qui ont critiqué la derniere édition, vous pourrez être content il y en aura plus!!!
The Trancer's Guide project has been stopped
After five editions of our magazine we have decided to stop the project. This means that there will be no Trancer's Guide 2009. The reason for this action is the difficult economic situation of the trance scene which makes it difficult to finance the project.
It was great fun to work on the Trancer's Guide for all this time and we'd like to thank all contributors and readers for the great work and appreciation.
If you have any questions or feedback, please write to and
Take care of yourself and others,
The Trancer’s Guide Crew
Et, voila une page de l'histoire tournée... je me dissais bien que je n'avais pas vu de petit journeau du trancer guide !!! et oui c'est fini ...
La trance un objet lucratif??? faite moi rire .... en tout cas pour tout ceux qui ont critiqué la derniere édition, vous pourrez être content il y en aura plus!!!