
We are very proud to announce the grand opening of the new Twisted Records downloads site! You can now buy the whole back catalogue of Twisted releases as top quality 320kbps DRM free MP3 as well as a whole bunch of new and unreleased exclusive Twisted tracks that you can't find on any other site on the web. From secret Younger Brother and Shpongle remixes to obscure Prometheus and old long lost Twisted mixes that were never previously released as well as many others. We will be updating it regularly with new and fresh tracks from all your favorite Twisted artists as well as a host of new and exciting material from alternative artists from around the globe that we think you deserve to know about. The site is now open for your perusal so get in there while they're fresh and complete your Twisted collection. This is just a taster of what is to be the future of Twisted Records releases. Enjoy!
Smiley  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley

L'ep de Space Pussy  Smiley

Mais c'est un peu reuch ce site je trouve...