Et encore un tit concours....

tout est dit là...

published by Mat at 30.04.2007

Trance Producer Contest

Make us the mushroom track and win valuable prices!

With the very successful Anne Clark Remix Contest our readers have proven that they have great creative potential. As a result of the samples which were provided a lot of chilled and alternative tracks reached us, which is why we‘ve consciously decided to make a Trance Producer Contest.

This time you can let your creativity run wild and show us your style. There is nothing to remix you can send in any track you‘ve made.

Smiley merci mais déja envoyé un track!
vue que je fais pas de trance ma selection etait limitée  Smiley
du coup j'ai envoyé celui la, old school :

mais je pense que ce contest devrait intérésser du monde ici!
LIPO wrote :
Smiley merci mais déja envoyé un track!
vue que je fais pas de trance ma selection etait limitée  Smiley
du coup j'ai envoyé celui la, old school :

mais je pense que ce contest devrait intérésser du monde ici!

hey loulou
ils disent bien

[citation]This time you can let your creativity run wild and show us your style[/citation]

bien bien
nous verrons donc Smiley

edit : un truc aussi... on dit RaiNbow... pas raiMbow... a moins que ce soit aussi un désir artistique :mickey:
ha? moi j'avais lu qu'il parlait de trance!
voila le mail que j'ai reçu:

After the sensational success of the Anne Clark remix contest, in which over 250 remixes took part, mushroom magazine is now hosting a Trance Producer Contest. The theme this time is simply trance. Studio speakers, keyboards and software await the ten winners as prices. Besides this they will also be featured in the September edition of mushroom magazine. At the conclusion of the competition in fall a “mushroom trance” compilation CD with the ten winning tracks will be released. And so that no one goes out empty handed every participant will receive a mushroom subscription or extension of a subscription for free.
la c le site
ou alors chus gleuse (ca c'est pas un scoop) et j connais plus la tradu de la langue de machin pear :mickey: