C'est assez impressionant jusqu'où l'on peut zoomer!!
La ville de Delft a été photographiée par l'entreprise TNO au moyen d'un Nikon D1x relié directement à un PC via FireWire IEEE 1394 car il n'existe pas de carte mémoire de 7.5 Go. :-D
La photo a une résolution de 2.5 milliards de pixels.
Technical details
Below are some facts and figures about the gigapixel image:
Final image dimensions: 78.797 x 31.565 pixels
Number of pixels in final image: 2,487,227,305 (2.5 gigapixel)
Final image file format: 24-bit colour bitmap
Final image file size: 7.5 GBytes
Number of source images: 600
Number of pixels in source images: 3,537,408,000 (600 images * 3008*1960)
Lens focal length: 400 mm (equivalent to 600 mm on a 35 mm camera)
Aperture: F22, Shutter speed: 1/100, ISO: 125
Horizontal field of view of final image: 93 degrees
Time required to capture component images: 1 hour and 12 minutes
Time required to match overlapping images: 20 hours
Time required to optimise project: 4 hours
Time required to compose the image: 3 full days using 5 high-end pcs
Time required to blend seams / correct misalignments / finalise image: 2 days
plus d'infos: http://www.tpd.tno.nl/smartsite966.html

La ville de Delft a été photographiée par l'entreprise TNO au moyen d'un Nikon D1x relié directement à un PC via FireWire IEEE 1394 car il n'existe pas de carte mémoire de 7.5 Go. :-D
La photo a une résolution de 2.5 milliards de pixels.
Technical details
Below are some facts and figures about the gigapixel image:
Final image dimensions: 78.797 x 31.565 pixels
Number of pixels in final image: 2,487,227,305 (2.5 gigapixel)
Final image file format: 24-bit colour bitmap
Final image file size: 7.5 GBytes
Number of source images: 600
Number of pixels in source images: 3,537,408,000 (600 images * 3008*1960)
Lens focal length: 400 mm (equivalent to 600 mm on a 35 mm camera)
Aperture: F22, Shutter speed: 1/100, ISO: 125
Horizontal field of view of final image: 93 degrees
Time required to capture component images: 1 hour and 12 minutes
Time required to match overlapping images: 20 hours
Time required to optimise project: 4 hours
Time required to compose the image: 3 full days using 5 high-end pcs
Time required to blend seams / correct misalignments / finalise image: 2 days
plus d'infos: http://www.tpd.tno.nl/smartsite966.html