Like every year now, the Ambiosonic festival will be held 22-23-24 June 2012 at the heart of the Massif of the Maures…
This year the focus will be instrumental… but there will be electronic and always a bit of expérimental…
Only "Ambient" music festival.
To discover !
Ambientª Music, Arts, Nature, Body & Soul
Massif des Maures - 22.23.24 june 2012
60 artists for well-being
concerts - performs - videos - expositions - Land Art
workshops - conferences - children area - ecological camp-site
Large natural and protected area of the Mediterranean forest
Collobrieres - Massif des Maures - Provence
exclusive by reservation on website & +33 (0)6 64 50 94 64
This year the focus will be instrumental… but there will be electronic and always a bit of expérimental…
Only "Ambient" music festival.
To discover !
Ambientª Music, Arts, Nature, Body & Soul
Massif des Maures - 22.23.24 june 2012
60 artists for well-being
concerts - performs - videos - expositions - Land Art
workshops - conferences - children area - ecological camp-site
Large natural and protected area of the Mediterranean forest
Collobrieres - Massif des Maures - Provence
exclusive by reservation on website & +33 (0)6 64 50 94 64