The reasons why I go to parties...

The reasons why I go to parties...

I go there to dance, listen to music, explore, to find my friends, travel, pay attention, to hug and feel peace, to smile, run away, relax, meet new friends, for the spirituality, to push society away and feel the bass vibes, to experiment, vibrate, learn, feel pleasure and sharing, to create and find out, to be with nature, set free and express myself, to dream and wake up, for art and rapture.

(...) Partying is a fountain of meetings and friendships and I feel I’m not alone, as there are many people throughout the world sharing these same values. That’s enough to give me hope and distance myself a little further from a society ruled by selfishness and intolerance and to get closer to the Tribe, to music and dancing.

by Marlene in Goagadar Magazine
"me go for glow sticks"
M. Dietrich.