completement off-topic, pas tant que ça...pour ceusses(elles) qui se sentent concernés - paroles en raisonnance avec ce topic et qui expriment bien un desenchantement du monde, la generation post apocalyptique que l'on evoqué dans ces pages (je trouve)...
hein Sam???(speciale ddicace a toi!
We walk the earth with grim faces
Leaving memories, the dust beneath our boots
The sun rising, is but a pale...
A pale shadow of what it used to be
We are the 3rd generation Armageddon
Like ghosts we move
We are the 3rd generation Armageddon
We're doomed to hell
We walk on soil, forgotten by men
In a shadow of pale moonlight.
Our hearts are black
We have no hope, in a world that dies
We hear it's cries
We are the 3rd generation Armageddon
Like ghosts we move
We are the 3rd generation Armageddon
We're doomed to hell
We are the 3rd generation Armageddon
Like ghosts we move
Lost souls in a choir of sorrow
Dancing to a mournful symphony
In a world that lives no more
We walk the earth with grim faces
Leaving memories, the dust beneath our boots
Our heart's extinct, we embrace no faith
No faith, no hope, there's no reality.
We are the 3rd Generation Armageddon
3rd Generation Armageddon - Dimension f3h
extrait de l'album "reaping the world wings"