me and my friend are coming to this party. we arrive in paris on friday 16th early in the morning. we wondering what is the easiest and cheapest way to get there without a car...or does anyone have 2 spare seats in their car? we dont speak french but we love the lineup for this party so we MUST go. any help would be appreciated. thankyou.
si vous avez deux places au departs de paris, pour ces deux anglais, merci de les contacter par message privée via le site isratrance : http://forum.isratrance.com/viewtopic.php/topic/67895/forum/43/start/15
merci a vous
me and my friend are coming to this party. we arrive in paris on friday 16th early in the morning. we wondering what is the easiest and cheapest way to get there without a car...or does anyone have 2 spare seats in their car? we dont speak french but we love the lineup for this party so we MUST go. any help would be appreciated. thankyou.
si vous avez deux places au departs de paris, pour ces deux anglais, merci de les contacter par message privée via le site isratrance : http://forum.isratrance.com/viewtopic.php/topic/67895/forum/43/start/15
merci a vous