03/07/2010 - Troubles In Paradise 4: MFG Live (Vlaams Brabant, BE)

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Troubles In Paradise Presents

MFG (Phonokol Rec, Israel)
(Message From God, 1.5h goatrance liveact!)

Ephedra (Tranceforce Rec., Belgium) (tbc)

*DJs *
Anoebis (Suntrip Rec.)

Psytoad vs Transaction (Ganjatree Rec./no label)

Inada vs Mantradeli (Cronomi Rec.)

Date: 3 july 2010
Deco: Wombati
Come early, limited capacity (350 max)
Location: mail to troublesinparadise0@gmail.com
Fixed! Merci! Smiley
tiens tiens le retour de MFG Smiley
la Belgique pour le amateurs de old school c'est le must Smiley
MFG, c'est point tout jeune, effectivement.