A chaque eclipse totale de soleil des crews se reunissent pour (faire du fric) organiser une grosse fete en celebration de la rencontre entre la lune et le sloleil... J´ai longtemps hesiter avant de faire la pub pour ce mastodonte (deja "20k going" sur l´event) puis je me suis souvenu des gens sans facebook, et comment je trouve que le forum ce meurt un peu..., et puis sa permetra aussi de partager les astuces et plans sur place, mais aussi comment rentrer dans fort knox...
Nous on a deja nos tickets depuis 2 mois, chasseur d´eclipse, sympa le hobbie
[citation]Oregon Eclipse is a 7 day international gathering celebrating the total solar eclipse on Aug 21, 2017. Produced by a consortium of 11 of the worlds premier independent arts & music festivals OE17 will be a global synaesthesia of art, ideas, music, dancing and international community.
We welcome Bass Coast Festival (Canada), Envision Festival (Costa Rica), Hadra Trance Festival (France) Noisily Festival of Music and Arts (UK), Festival Ometeotl (Mexico), Origin Festival (S. Africa), Rainbow Serpent Festival (Australia), Re:birth Festival (Japan), Symbiosis Gathering (California), SONIC BLOOM (Colorado) and Universo Paralello Festival (Brazil)!
Experience Passes will go ONSALE from 3 Nov at 11:11am PST - 11 Nov at 11:11pm PST and then will go off sale until 2017. This is your chance to get SUPER DUPER EARLY BIRD PASSES at the lowest price available. Don't miss the MOST INTERNATIONAL GATHERING we have ever been part of!
Kids 12 and under are FREE!
Experience Passes are FULLY TRANSFERRABLE!
[citation]Super Early Bird Experience Passes will be available on January 30 at 11:11am PST for $325.
If you are planning on joining us for this most wonderful occasion, jump on board! Our first round was an astounding success and its entirely likely that we will reach capacity for this amazing experience.
7 days with over 250 musical acts, hundreds of workshops, metric f#cktons of art, the most phenomenal thing to see on earth, and one community you'll remember for the rest of your life!
WEBSITE : www.oregoneclipse2017.com
EVENT VIDEO : http://bit.ly/OE17collabvideo
EVENT PAGE : http://bit.ly/oregoneclipse2017fb[/citation]
Nous on a deja nos tickets depuis 2 mois, chasseur d´eclipse, sympa le hobbie
[citation]Oregon Eclipse is a 7 day international gathering celebrating the total solar eclipse on Aug 21, 2017. Produced by a consortium of 11 of the worlds premier independent arts & music festivals OE17 will be a global synaesthesia of art, ideas, music, dancing and international community.
We welcome Bass Coast Festival (Canada), Envision Festival (Costa Rica), Hadra Trance Festival (France) Noisily Festival of Music and Arts (UK), Festival Ometeotl (Mexico), Origin Festival (S. Africa), Rainbow Serpent Festival (Australia), Re:birth Festival (Japan), Symbiosis Gathering (California), SONIC BLOOM (Colorado) and Universo Paralello Festival (Brazil)!
Experience Passes will go ONSALE from 3 Nov at 11:11am PST - 11 Nov at 11:11pm PST and then will go off sale until 2017. This is your chance to get SUPER DUPER EARLY BIRD PASSES at the lowest price available. Don't miss the MOST INTERNATIONAL GATHERING we have ever been part of!
Kids 12 and under are FREE!
Experience Passes are FULLY TRANSFERRABLE!
[citation]Super Early Bird Experience Passes will be available on January 30 at 11:11am PST for $325.
If you are planning on joining us for this most wonderful occasion, jump on board! Our first round was an astounding success and its entirely likely that we will reach capacity for this amazing experience.
7 days with over 250 musical acts, hundreds of workshops, metric f#cktons of art, the most phenomenal thing to see on earth, and one community you'll remember for the rest of your life!
WEBSITE : www.oregoneclipse2017.com
EVENT VIDEO : http://bit.ly/OE17collabvideo
EVENT PAGE : http://bit.ly/oregoneclipse2017fb[/citation]