01/08/2010 - 15/08/2010 - MAFiA DANCE Festival ANNULE !!!

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Il semble bien que oui...
mais pour le moment, je n'en sais pas plus, que ce soit pour les preventes ou le reste.
Je dois parler avec l'organisateur demain soir...
what a shame...
voyager wrote :
ça fait des mois qu'on s'en doutait...


C'est clair qu'en lisant ça, ça donne pas envie.  Smiley

Cela dit, presque tous les festival ont leurs opposants qui utiliseront tous les arguments et tous les moyens possibles pour nuire à l'organisation ou à la promotion d'un festival (en général parce qu'ils sont contre par principe, parce que ça bouscule leur petites habitudes ou parce que ça fait de l'ombre à leur propre business).

Evidemment, une bonne collaboration avec les autorités et la population locale est essentielle.
Et au jour d'aujourd'hui, impossible pour moi de vous dire exactement ce qu'il s'est passé là-bas...

Pour les préventes Period 3, nous allons etre rapidemment en mesure de rembourser les tickets puisque l'argent n'avait pas encore quitté notre compte. Pour les préventes 1 et 2, il va falloir attendre de voir ce que les organisateurs vont pouvoir nous rembourser et surtout quand.

Dès que j'ai des news, je les communique ici.
en effet, c'est annulé Smiley
les orgas doivent nous envoyer ce soir les infos que nous vous communiquerons ...
yan a marre de ces politiques racistes par rapport à notre culture &
qui se permettent dannuler ces évènements tels que le Glade/ Mafia Dance/ ....
ou soit de placer pleins de policiers qui pour certains dentre eux
se permettent dexercer un abus de pouvoir et detre desagreable avec les gens !!!
@+ pour les news ...
j'halluccine !!! et pour ceux qui ont pris leur billet d'avion et payé les vaccins.. les boules !!

Pfff.. ce monde est fou  Smiley

Dear Friends,

It is with great regret and disappointment that we wish to inform you of the cancellation of the Mafia Dance Festival. We hereby wish to present to you the reasons for which, despite all our continuous efforts, this event has been cancelled through no fault of our own and for reasons beyond our control.

During the initial stages of liaising with the responsible authorities of Tanzania with respect to organizing the Mafia Dance Festival, the concept and the  realization of the event was received with great enthusiasm and was perceived as an excellent means to improve and develop the greater area, and financially strengthen the local community. The local company RUAZA LTD, which was responsible for the entire organization of the Festival, liaised with the local authorities as our collaborator/facilitator on site. The national and local authorities assured RUAZA LTD of straightforward proceedings, and furthermore guaranteed that all the required actions had been  taken in order to obtain all requisite permits for the Festival.  All necessary  documents were signed and all essential actions had been taken to ensure the proper licensing of the Festival.

However, to our grave disappointment, certain ill-willed groups sought to undermine and accuse  the invited artists, the organizing committee and even the attendees of the Festival, aiming at  presenting to the authorities a false and completely misleading image of the Festival as a decadent and corrupted event.

We are well aware of the identity of the above mentioned groups and the motivation behind their actions therefore, we assure you that we will proceed to take all necessary legal measures against them, should they decide not to compensate us for this unjustified cancellation. Unfortunately, as a result of the ill-intended efforts of the aforementioned groups, extreme racism and xenophobia have been created, and the relevant authorities of Tanzania and particularly the National Art Council (Basata) decided to revoke our local license that had been issued for the Mafia Dance Festival. Following Basata’s decision, the Festival was therefore cancelled due to force majeure and despite all our continuous efforts to the contrary. Basata’s unreasonable and unjust decision, which we publicly denounce  has no legal or justifiable basis whatsoever.

At this point, it is important to note that Basata’s unfair and inappropriate decision to cancel the Festival was communicated to us only a few days prior to the commencement of the Festival, a fact that confirms its objectionable behavior and establishes the total lack of respect towards the organizing committee, the artists but most importantly and foremost towards all of you, disrespecting each and everyone of you having made a personal and financial commitment to attend the Festival and visit Tanzania’s beautiful nature and civilization.

We stand before you obliged and with a strong feeling of responsibility towards you, as we can only be thankful for the  loyalty you have demonstrated towards our company, the trust you have shown in our projects, and the support of our vision during all these years. Sticking to our principles in honoring our relationship, you can rest assured that we are working towards achieving a fast and satisfactory resolution of this unfortunate situation.

With respect to refunds of prepaid festival tickets a relevant statement will be announced very soon.

Prepaid festival tickets of the 3rd Period are refunded as we speak from the relevant Ambassadors (only face value of the ticket, booking fees will be retained from the Ambassadors).

We are in talks with other festivals that we feel you will be interested in, as Mafia Dance festival goers, about the possibility of swapping your ticket for another festival at a discounted rate or for free. We will be in touch for this as soon as possible.

Customers who have liaised with the Pangea International Tours agent will receive refund as soon as possible,  following an official announcement in the next few days and with communication with them (only face value of the services, booking fees will be retained as an admin fee by Pangea)

Customers renting Safari Tents on Mafia Island will be refunded at once.

Customers renting rooms at Butiama Lodge on Mafia Island can keep their booking and visit the lodge if they decide to (please contact Pangea International Tours to confirm your status).

The organizing committee is currently investigating the best way to refund the festival ticket holders. Based on the terms and conditions of the tickets, the Ambassadors are not liable and hold no responsibility with respect to refunds or any further transactions. For further information and ticket terms and conditions, please follow the link:


We are deeply sorry  for the unforeseen circumstances which, beyond our control,  and through no fault of our company, forced the festival to be cancelled and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

We will be in touch for everything as soon as possible. Please bear with us as things cannot happen overnight.
En gros...
L'hotel d'à coté et un certain nombre de personnes ont accusé les organisateurs de favoriser la venue de gens (artistes et public) "décadents". C'est remonté jusqu'au parlement qui (à quelques mois des élections) a annulé l'autorisation pour le festival.

Les préventes Periode 1 et 2 seront remboursées le plus rapidement possible (ou des échanges seront proposés avec d'autres festival comme Aurora ou Ozora) par les organisateurs.
Les préventes Periode 3 seront remboursées directement par les ambassadeurs.
directement via paypal je suppose?
héhé Smiley  sinon jveux bien l'echanger contre une place  pour le festival hadra 2011 Smiley   Smiley  Smiley
nannnnn mais c quoi ctruc de dingue
  comment on va faire     on s est saigné pour payer les billets d avion..... pas dassurance annulation....
vraiment   jespere que l on va trouver une solution....
et apres c est nous les racistes!!!!!!!
franchement je sent qu un long debat va naitre....
apperement c était couru d avance


The announcement of the cancellation comes as no surprise.

The “organizers” of the event have never sought official approval for the festival from any government authority in Mafia, which is both a district and a Parliamentary seat (as such various procedures must consequently be followed); had they done so they may have succeeded, as – by doing so – they would have given the local people and authorities the chance to review their plans and proposals as any other project would be as required by law.

how would you bring 3,000 people to an island that has no facilities, no transport for that number, no piped water supply, no emergency medical services, etc etc…..it is extremely difficult coping with 30 guests in a hotel here, let alone 3,000 ! SO make your own assessment of whether this was ever really going to happen…..

la suite  ici


vraiment pas cool de la part de l orga
bien dommage quand meme pour tous ceux qui on prevu et payer leur voyage
Un plan B en préparation (peut etre nord du mozambique)............affaire à suivre.
Mauritanie c est mieux  , Al quaida finance Smiley  Smiley
zaag wrote :
Un plan B en préparation (peut etre nord du mozambique)............affaire à suivre.

Euh un peu dangereux le Mozambique ....
Atyss, malheureusement je ne connais pas la Vérité et nous ne la connaitrons surement jamais.
Mais il y a 2 thèses qui s'affrontent, et d'après les organisateurs, celle que tu relais-là, c'est précisement celle de certains hoteliers de Mafia Island qui ont tout fait pour couler le festival....

Quand on voit les polémiques et les arguments de ceux qui se sont opposés au festival Hadra dans un pays comme le nôtre, j'imagine le mic-mac politique que ça doit être dans un pays comme la Tanzanie.....
TRis wrote :
Atyss, malheureusement je ne connais pas la Vérité et nous ne la connaitrons surement jamais.
Mais il y a 2 thèses qui s'affrontent, et d'après les organisateurs, celle que tu relais-là, c'est précisement celle de certains hoteliers de Mafia Island qui ont tout fait pour couler le festival....

Quand on voit les polémiques et les arguments de ceux qui se sont opposés au festival Hadra dans un pays comme le nôtre, j'imagine le mic-mac politique que ça doit être dans un pays comme la Tanzanie.....

C est lui Smiley http://networkedblogs.com/5Bt7D
TRis wrote :
Atyss, malheureusement je ne connais pas la Vérité et nous ne la connaitrons surement jamais.
Mais il y a 2 thèses qui s'affrontent, et d'après les organisateurs, celle que tu relais-là, c'est précisement celle de certains hoteliers de Mafia Island qui ont tout fait pour couler le festival....

Quand on voit les polémiques et les arguments de ceux qui se sont opposés au festival Hadra dans un pays comme le nôtre, j'imagine le mic-mac politique que ça doit être dans un pays comme la Tanzanie.....

a je savais pas ca , sorry voulais pas mettre le feu au poudre mais juste informé, c est sur y a tjrs des rageaux qu on ne controle pas

Smiley  Smiley
c'était le shamanik 2 en fait ce festival
sauf que cette fois-ci c'est fait plus intelligement il est parti avec les sous avant que cela soit la secu qui parte avec Smiley
bien relou ct'histoire...
j'espère qu'ils vont trouver une solution...
ioan wrote :
c'était le shamanik 2 en fait ce festival
sauf que cette fois-ci c'est fait plus intelligement il est parti avec les sous avant que cela soit la secu qui parte avec Smiley

Avant de baver bêtement gratuitement  on attend en général de connaitre le fin fond de l'histoire , ça évite des fois de dire n'importe quoi  Smiley
he ho j'ai le droit de faire des blagues de merde aussi hein arrete de t'enflammer là!!
TRis wrote :
Atyss, malheureusement je ne connais pas la Vérité et nous ne la connaitrons surement jamais.
Mais il y a 2 thèses qui s'affrontent, et d'après les organisateurs, celle que tu relais-là, c'est précisement celle de certains hoteliers de Mafia Island qui ont tout fait pour couler le festival....

Quand on voit les polémiques et les arguments de ceux qui se sont opposés au festival Hadra dans un pays comme le nôtre, j'imagine le mic-mac politique que ça doit être dans un pays comme la Tanzanie.....

Hello Tris, ravi davoir fait ta connaissance, tres cooool Smiley

en effet, cest ce qui se passe car ils essaient de les faire passé pour des orgas pas sérieux,
mais à mon avis, vu le suivi depuis le début, je pense que cette orga est sérieuse mais après
je ne suis pas inside pour juger...

Voici de dernier message de lorga ::

Hello friends,
i am (and the team) in a terrible situation, as you can imagine, with the cancelation of this festival. i am writing to you this letter as i need to explain some things and get the pressure out of you (as much as possible) and also to have information to communicate to people. As most of you know, i am based in Tanzania (together with other local and international members of the team) since December 2009, working hard to make this dream reality. I want you to know, that we will do anything in our hand to turn this around and make the people understand that this was never a scam or anything like this. We have been invested our time, money (and personal life) for more than a year now to organize this festival and we wil work even more to turn this around. we have been in co-operation and giving services with diffferent travel agents for a long time now for accomodation,tarsnport, safari and other srvices with different providers as a small proof that not anyone can be in the scam!!. Vortex production from south africa (6 people team) are in tanzania since june (ad visit many times uring the proceess) and are still at mafia island with other few memebrs of the mdf team. even the sound system has been shipped from south africa, few weeks ago and its on the way to Tanzania! materials, contructions etc are all at mafia island, in various places were we were making them (bars,husks etc) and were almost ready to be transport in site so together with the final preparations (wc,showers) we would be ready to open the gates at 27 july. we wil also release pictures from the venue. decoration and almost all the festival gear is inside the container that is coming from SA (incl sound) and wil arrive in Dar es Salaam soon, if we dont find a way to stop it in another port before tanzania. we have invested more than 300.000 euro for this project, when the ticket sales at this stage where 1500 tickets (about 200.000 income not delivered 100% to us as in, its included 3rd period sales which you have the monies and also money from other periods that havent delivered to us yet). people speak about scam, but have no clue what is at stake here even for our personal safety in Tanzania now.
we believe that after releasing all the nessasery details about the organization of the festival, people will really understand what happened here. what some people cant understand, that in situations like this, things cannot happen overnight or they cant understand that 10 members of the internantional production team is still in Tanzania, in a very sensitive time. here is where we need your help, in order to let the people know, that we are here and we gonna solve this matter, one way or another...myself nd org, what we say or write must be very very carefull at this point, as we are still in Tanzania and that is the reason we dont say much yet. we want to go out of this country safe, in order to be able to help ourselves and the others! very soon we will release many info for things to be more clear. Please bare with me and please forwrd me any inquiry you have for refunds, as we will deal with the ticket holders direct. for the story: most of you already know from our statement what happened. we choosed to write the truth than any other story as we believe that we are victims in this story , like anyone else. a specific hotelier of mafia (he has a blog called mafia island, fighting us with lies months now) and together with his friends and his associates, have been sending letters to tanzanian MPs, even in european union, as we here now, in order to stop this festival and present it as an invesion of 3000 homosexuals and many other things, that seem funny in europe but means a lot in a muslim society. therefore, the parliament asked from the BASATA chairman (like minister of culture), to present himself and explain why he is licecencing and supporting this corrupted festival. they have been sending papers saying that we are banned from greece and many other ridiculous things, together with very insulting data about out local partners, all lies. BASATA had to stop the festival in the fear of the political consequences.. we believe that the minister of culture cancelled us with out logic or legal way, as all this is complete bullshit and in vain, just becuase some politicians has been affected by these lies.in any case, we know who has done that and we wil act accordingly. the hotelier in mafia and his so called "friends of mafia island" even did campaigns in the villages close to the festival venue to stop it, but he wasnt aware that we had written permissions from the local community. when he failled in every legal way , he hit us under the belt..i want you to know that all this happened the last 2 weeks and they called us in BASATA office to announce the cancelation on monday. the attacking group, did everything now on purpose, as they knew that the reaction time would be to little to save it. he proved clearly to me, that he wnated to clearly fuck all of us and customers too, as he could stop it before (as it seems, they could) but they let it to come here and do it now to make more harm than ever to everyone inlolved and make sure not even a last attempt would be possible.
of course, we have the responsibility for our people and thats why we are here to solve the situation. we have many plans going on about refunds, swapping tickets with other festivals and even organizing various small festivals (in the next 2 monts) in different countries where the ticket holders (if they choose to) they will be able to enter for free with their mafia tickets and much more. we also check the possibility of hosting some parties in tanzania for people that wil come anyway...more to be said for everything. according to our ticket terms and conditions, our ambassadors are not liable or responsible for any of this, and not for ticket refunds. i want to thank all of you for your unconditional support and love. we are family after all. soon we wil be in touch again.

Ps. 90% of you have the money of the 3rd period sales and some have even money from other periods, which u can return to the people as soon as you can and would help me a lot, if you could post this in your pages,websites etc (refund face value, you can keep your commisions etc).

Bon courage à lorga  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley
ioan wrote :
he ho j'ai le droit de faire des blagues de merde aussi hein arrete de t'enflammer là!!

Bon ben " he ho " excuse moi de mettre enflammer Ioan  Smiley  Smiley
Qui qui va quand meme??
pas cool l'annulation,  Smiley la rage meme... nous avions tout organiser avec ma 1/2, billets d'avion, bateau,vaccins, palu, bagages roots....
Pour info, billets pris chez opod's sans assu mais ceux-ci peuvent rembourser: pénalité = 125 euros par billet
a voir suivant compagnie.
Pour le ferry (avec Pangea) nous avons annuler le bank transfer inextremis...

Now, on regarde pour y aller quand meme, pas à Mafia du coup mais trip en tanzanie, 5 jours sur la cote et 10 jours dns les terres (selous et mikumi)
nous avons contacter des tours safari en france et sur place mais les tarifs sont hallu...
si qqun part quand meme et a un/des plans ??
Au cas ou, votre carte bancaire, selon les services que vous avez souscrit, vous permet de bénéficier d'une assurance annulation, à condition d'avoir payé avec bien sur.