Rassemblement d'Artistes - 3-5 juin 2011 - Suisse Romande
Déjà plus de 100 artistes inscrits pour la 1ère édition du nouveau festival GoAnimal qui rassemble le maximum d'artistes de Suisse-Romande et d'ailleurs!!! Un festival différent, où tout type d'expérimentation artistique est bienvenu! Des "Jam Sessions" électroniques aux installations diffusant des documentaires, et des peintures live aux happenings les plus farfelus, le programme est déjà bien rempli! :-D Mais c'est aussi un rassemblement privé, réservé aux artistes et à leurs invités pour qu'on ait la garantie d'une ambiance parfaite ^^! On prévoit environ 100 artistes de tous les domaines, audio-video-deco-perfo-ateliers-délires etc etc… Le festival aura 4 scènes différentes ^^ dont une pour des autres styles et pour les débutants.
Pour avoir accès au festival, il faut être invité par un des artistes inscrits au programme, beaucoup ont encore des invitations, contacte les et tu auras sans doute la chance d’en obtenir!
- Et si tu ne trouves pas d'invitation, tu peux devenir membre de GoAnimal pour CHF 60.- et avoir accès gratuitement à tous nos évènements et ateliers en 2011 (=prix de revient CHF 1.- par soirée/atelier!!!) Plus d'infos: devenir.membre@goanimal.net
Vendredi 12H - Samedi 11H
12H-14H (120MIN) -ResiliancE- Full-On Psy DJ Set 145 to 149bpm
http://soundcloud.com/resiliance http://funlabz.org/14H-16H (120MIN) -Arak- (Electrosysmic) Full-On Psy DJ Set 146 to 148 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/dj-arak16H-17H30 (90MIN) -DJ Mesh- (Mysteria) Full-On Psy DJ Set 147 bpm
17H30-19H30 (120MIN) -Quantumatrix- (The Edge by GoatyProd) Psy-Trance Live Act 120 to 145 bpm
www.soudclound.com/Goatyprod www.goatyprod.ch 19H30-22H30 (180MIN) -Proxima Centauri- Full-On Psy DJ Set 142-146
http://mysticalforum.ch/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=15108 22H30-0H30 (120MIN) -DJ Sonnkind- Psy-Trance DJ Set 145 bpm
http://www.mixcloud.com/djwindkind http://www.fractalrecords.ch/web/page.php?180H30-2H30 (120MIN) -DJ Rainbow Drop- (Ajita Music Records) Psy-Trance DJ Set
http://www.myspace.com/djrainbowdropmusic http://www.zen-spirit.ch2H30-4H (90MIN) -LunaRave- (Hadra/Psynap’s) Psy-Trance Live Act Machines 130 to 160 bpm
http://www.wix.com/lunarave/site4H-5H30 (90MIN) -O-Live- (Stationmirstudio) Full-On Psy DJ Set 146 to 156 bpm
http://www.stationmirstudio.com 5H30-7H (90MIN) -Psy'Geek- (GoAnimal) Psy DJ Set 149 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/psygeek 7H-9H (120MIN) -GhYom Le Meunier- (MTS) Psy DJ Set 146 to 149 bpm
http://www.myspace.com/ghyomts www.mantratribesystem.ch9H-11H (120MIN) -DJ D-Rix- Full-On Psy DJ Set 145 bpm
http://myspace.com/djdrix2 MAIN STAGE
Samedi 11H - Dimanche 12H
11H-13H (120MIN) -Animal- (Feelfree) Full-On Psy DJ Set 147 bpm
http://www.myspace.com/animal_dj http://www.feelfree.dj 13H-15H (120MIN) -Inka Tension- (GoAnimal) DJ Set 143 bpm
15H-17H (120MIN) -Al-Arash- (Dropnight) DJ Set Psy Night 150 to 155 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/al-arash4 http://son2teuf.org/alarash17H-19H (120MIN) -GoVan- (Schnumunushnutz - MTS) Darkpsy DJ Set 140 to 150 bpm
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x91ieg_transe-arutam-free-party-versoix-su_music 19H-21H (120MIN) -Psykelo- (Morphonic Records) Darkpsy DJ Set 148 to 155 bpm
http://www.myspace.com/psykelohttp://www.morphonic-records.com/morphonic-rec-liste-news.html 21H-22H30 (90MIN) -Dmtoad- Darkpsy Live Act 148 to 155 bpm
www.soundcloud.com/dmtoad 22H30-23H30 (60MIN) -Cannibal BBQ- (Shaman Films) Darkpsy Live Act 150 to 160 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/cannibalbbq 23H30-1H30 (120MIN) -Karash- (2to6 Records) Darkpsy Live Act 148/152 to 160 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/karashwww.karash.fr1H30-3H30 (120MIN) -Milosz- (USP) Psy-Core DJ Set 160 to 180 bpm
http://www.soundcloud.com/djmilosz 3H30-5H (90MIN) -Al-Arash- (Dropnight) Psy-Core DJ Set 175 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/al-arash http://soundcloud.com/al-arash7http://son2teuf.org/alarash5H-9H (240MIN) -HyperWATT 25- (Noise Poison Rec Swiss/Austria) Psy-Core DJ Set 160 to 200 bpm
http://www.myspace.com/milomiki 9H-11H (120MIN) -Pandemonium- (Chaos Company) Psy-Core DJ Set 160 to 185 bpm
11H-12H (60MIN) -DVX- (Studiodvx) Psy Live Act 148 bpm
http://www.myspace.com/djdvx http://www.studiodvx.ch Dimanche 12H-16H
12H-14H (120MIN) -NSS aka DJ Evolushroom- Psy DJ Set 130 to 155 bpm
http://www.myspace.com/nephilims http://www.itbreaks.com/#user/NSS 14H-16H (120MIN) -DJ Arawak- (Goatyprod) DJ Set 145 to 150 bpm
www.soudclound.com/Goatyprodwww.goatyprod.chSECONDE STAGE
Vendredi 17H - Samedi 11H
17H-19H (120MIN) -Quantumatrix/Goatyprod- Psy-Trance Live Act 120 to 145 bpm
http://www.soundcloud.com/Goatyprodhttp://www.goatyprod.ch19H-21H (120MIN) -Avhendabi- (Shnumunushnutz) Darkpsy DJ Set 138 to 148 bpm
21H-23H (120MIN) -DJ Windkind- (Fractal Records) Darkpsy DJ Set 147 bpm
http://www.mixcloud.com/djwindkind http://www.fractalrecords.ch/web/page.php?1823H-1H (120MIN) -GoVan- (Schnumunushnutz - MTS) Darkpsy DJ Set 145 to 150 bpm
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x91ieg_transe-arutam-free-party-versoix-su_music1H-3H (120MIN) -Pèrchètufle- Darkpsy DJ Set 148 to 156 bpm
3H-5H (120MIN) -Dark Mission Religion- (DMR) Darkpsy DJ Set 148 to 160 bpm
5H-7H (120MIN) -Khidi- (M.T.S) Darkpsy DJ Set 154 bpm
http://www.mantratribesystem.ch 7H-9H (120MIN) -Nemesis- (Shroom'z Records) Darkpsy DJ Set 150 to 160 bpm
9H-11H (120MIN) -Toxxic Zad- Psy-Trance DJ Set 145 à 155 bpm
http://www.soundcloud.com/toxxiczadSamedi 11H - Dimanche 12H
11H-12H (60MIN) -Android Circle- Psy-Old School Live Act 140 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/androidcircle12H-13H30 (90MIN) -LunaRave- (Hadra/Psynap’s) Psy-Progressive Live Act 135 to 148 bpm
http://www.wix.com/lunarave/site13H30-16H30 (180MIN) -Proxima- Psy-Progressive DJ Set 125 to 130
16H30-18H30 (120MIN) -Spirit Freaks/Gotama- Full-On Psy DJ Set 143 to 146 bpm
18H30-20H30 (120MIN) -DJ Anahata- (Materia Records) Full-On Psy DJ Set 145 bpm
www.myspace.com/djanahata20H30-22H30 (120MIN) -DJ Archy-Tek- Darkpsy DJ Set 152 to 165 bpm
22H30-0H30 (120MIN) -Roccodélik- (Shroom'z Record) Darkpsy DJ Set 150 to 154 bpm
0H30-2H30 (120MIN) -DVX- (Biolive) Psy Live Act 146 to 148 bpm
http://www.myspace.com/djdvx http://www.studiodvx.ch 2H30-4H (90MIN) -Aragorn- (Técols Family Production) Psy Live Act 148 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/dj-aragorn/ http://djaragorn.romandie.com 4H-6H (120MIN) -PFFGOA- (Psychedelicfreedomfighter Rec.) Psy-Trance DJ Set 148 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/pffgoa6H-8H (120MIN) -DJ Z3NKAI- (Hoffmoon) Darkpsy DJ Set
http://soundcloud.com/dj-z3nkai 8H-10H (120MIN) -Seb Micro Scan & Dj Sylbaz- Full-On Psy DJ Set 146 to 147 bpm
http://www.myspace.com/microscanproject10H-12H (120MIN) -Logic Wave- Full-On Psy Live Act 145 to 150 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/logic-waveDimanche 12H - 18H
12H-14H (120MIN) -Alien Sekt- Psy-Trance DJ Set 145 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/alien-sekt14H-16H (120MIN) -Luna- Psy DJ Set 150 to 175 bpm
16H-18H (120MIN) -Mushroom- Psy DJ Set 150 bpm
Vendredi 18H30 - Samedi 13H
18H30-20H30 (120MIN) -Nemelka- Minimal DJ Set 128 to 132 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/nemelka http://www.myspace.com/nemelka 20H30-22H30 (120MIN) -Kluster Defekt- (Stationmirstudio) Expérimental
http://www.stationmirstudio22H30-0H (90MIN) -ATOLL- Expérimental Live Act Machines 70 bpm
http://www.myspace.com/atollmusichttp://atoll.does.it0H-2H (120MIN) -L-Za- Electro DJ Set 130 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/lzadj http://www.myspace.com/lzadj2H-4H (120MIN) -The Edge- Electro Live Act Machines 135 to 145 bpm
www.soudclound.com/Goatyprod www.goatyprod.ch4H-6H (120MIN) -Milosz- (USP) Minimal DJ Set 128 to 135 bpm
http://www.soundcloud.com/djmilosz6H-8H (120MIN) -DJ Vanguard- (Spain) Minimal DJ Set 130 bpm
8H-11H (180MIN) -Cybermars- (Electron Libre) Psy-Progressive DJ Set 135 bpm
11H-13H (120MIN) -Kaarma- Psy-Progressive DJ Set 135 to 140
http://soundcloud.com/djkaarmaSamedi 13H - Dimanche 9H
13H-15H (120MIN) -Govan-Nityam- (Schnumunushnutz - M.T.S) Psy-Trance DJ Set 130 to 150 bpm
15H-17H (120MIN) -Toxicat- Full-On Psy DJ Set 145 to 150 bpm
17H-19H (120MIN) -OLAFSON- Minimal DJ Set 126 to 130 bpm
www.soundcloud.com/djolafson www.myspace.com/uknolafson 19H-21H (120MIN) -MinimAnimal- Minimal DJ Set 130 bpm
http://mysticalforum.ch/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=15108 http://mysticalforum.ch/viewtopic.php?21H-22H (60MIN) -Beatrider- (Citron Vert) Electro DJ Set 130 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/beat-rider 22H-0H (120MIN) -Toxicat- Psy-Trance DJ Set 140 to 145 bpm
0H-2H (120MIN) -Al-Arash- (Dropnight) Psy-Progressive DJ Set 137 to 140 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/al-arash6 http://son2teuf.org/alarash 2H-5H (180MIN) -Spirit Freaks/Gotama- Psy-Progressive DJ Set 132 to 136/138 bpm
5H-6H (60MIN) -D_Root- (Hadra/Psynap's) Psy-Progressive Live Act 135 to 143 bpm
http://www.d-root.com6H-7H (60MIN) -Bezoar- Psy-Progressive Live Act 138 to 144 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/bezoarlive7H-9H (120MIN) -Khidi- (M.T.S) Psy-Chill DJ Set
http://www.mantratribesystem.ch FOURTH STAGE
Samedi 18H - Dimanche 8H
18H-18H30 (30MIN) -Aurea- Chanson Live Act Instrumental
http://www.myspace.com/aureamerry 18H30-20H (90MIN) -Fabian Kozelsky- (M'Animals) Minimal DJ Set 125 to 130
http://soundcloud.com/kozelsky-fabianhttp://mixes.kozelsky.ch/start.html20H-22H (120MIN) -Gold Hangover- Dubstep DJ Set 70 to 140 bpm
http://www.mixcloud.com/GOLDHANGOVER/ 22H-23H30 (90MIN) -Cosmic Bastards- Dubstep Vinyls DJ Set 138 to 140 bpm
www.myspace.com/cosmicbastards 23H30-0H30 (60MIN) -KARMA PROJECT- Live Act Instrumental 110 to 140 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/karma-projecthttp://www.karmaproject.fr0H30-2H (90MIN) -GOATY PROD- Electro Live Act
http://soundcloud.com/rombeads http://www.krashonearth.com2H-4H (120MIN) -Les Mauvaise Filles- Electro Live Act 120 bpm
4H-6H (120MIN) -KRASH ON EARTH- (Goaty Prod) Electro Live Act 130 bpm
http://www.soundcloud.com/rombeads http://www.krashonearth.com 6H-8H (120MIN) -Spirit Freaks/Gotama- Psy-Chill DJ Set 60 to 124 bpm
Dimanche 12H30-17H
12H30-13H30(60MIN) -Tri-Shaman & DJ Rainbow Drop- (Ajita Music Records) Expérimental Live Act 90 bpm
http://www.myspace.com/djrainbowdropmusic http://www.zen-spirit.ch13H30-15H30 (120MIN) -Rajshasha- (AurOboa/Psychedelic-Nurses) Psy-Chill DJ Set 90 to 100 bpm
http://soundcloud.com/rajshasha 15H30-17H (90MIN) -Sheer- Chanson Live Act Instrumental
http://myspace.com/evanessia… et plus encore tout soudain!
On se réjouit d'organiser ce festival avec toi en ouverture de la saison open-air!
Le lieu est à environ 1h30 de voiture de Lausanne, à proximité de transports publics. ;-) Et entraîne-toi dès maintenant car ça sera un évènement où aucun déchet ne devra toucher le sol, nous mettrons cendriers et poubelles partout.