A l’occasion de ce festival aux couleurs d’Amérique latine, Atomes vous emmènera dans l'univers d'un peuple indigène du centre du Mexique, dont les visions chamaniques et chamarrées font partie des prémices de la culture psychédélique.
Imaginez un monde aux inspirations huichols, ou la mythologie et la magie rejoignent le réel...
Notre idée : créer un univers, ou vous jouerez l'un de ces magiciens qui redécouvre le monde et ses pouvoirs secrets pour créer des merveilles.
Un voyage, une transe, où musique et art seront la trame d'un rêve magique et partagé.
Bathed in the colours of Latin America, Atohm festival will guide you into the world of the indigenous people of central Mexico, whose rich colourful shamanic visions initiated the beginning of the psychedelic culture.
Imagine a world inspired by Huichol mythology, where mystical magic meets reality...
Our idea is to create a universe where you take part in the magic, together, rediscovering the world and its powerful secrets to produce wonders.
A journey, a trance, where music and art come together to form a gateway sharing a magical dream.
**2 FLOORS**
\\\\\_TRANCE FLOOR_/////
ANNUNAKEY - World People Prod - Belgique
https://soundcloud.com/annunakeyDARKOL TRINITY - Glitchy Tonic record- RUSSIE
https://soundcloud.com/darkol-trinityDIRTY HIPPY - CCR/Zenon Record- Angleterre
https://soundcloud.com/dirty-hippy-1EVIL OIL MAN - CCR/Zenon Record - Angleterre
https://soundcloud.com/swaintree123FRANTIC NOISE - Dark Prisma Record - Argentine
https://soundcloud.com/franticnoiseGNAIA - Oreades Production - France
https://soundcloud.com/sebakagnaiaGROUCH - CCR/Zenon record - Nouvelle Zelande
https://soundcloud.com/grouchnzIPOTOCATICAC - Atomes/Dark record - Picardia
https://soundcloud.com/ipotocaticacLUTIN DES BOIS - Oreades Production - France
https://soundcloud.com/lutindesboisLOOPUS IN FABULA - Fabula record - Italie
https://soundcloud.com/loopus-in-fabulaLUNECELL - Occulta Record - Etats Unis
https://soundcloud.com/lunecellNARGUN - Parvati Record - Bresil
https://soundcloud.com/nargunliveNAOLABZ - Spank Crew - France
https://soundcloud.com/naolabzNAURESAID - Oreades Prod - France
https://soundcloud.com/naure-sa-d-or-ades-prodOCELOT - OcelotMusic - Portugal
https://soundcloud.com/aaronpeacockONION BRAIN - Uroboros Record - Brésil
https://soundcloud.com/onionbrainREFLECTION - Another Psyde record - Australie
https://soundcloud.com/gibbanezRYANOSAURUS - Zenon Record - Australie
https://soundcloud.com/ryanosaurusmusicSAIKOSAURUS - Ukraine
https://soundcloud.com/saikozaurusTIJAH-Uroboros record - Brésil
https://soundcloud.com/tijahmusicXURANIUM - Atomes - France
https://soundcloud.com/xuranium_DJ SET_
ALANITA - Uroboros/CCR - Brésil
https://soundcloud.com/djalanitaEL TOFY - Atomes - France
https://hearthis.at/eltofy/https://soundcloud.com/eltofyFAXTA - Goache Family - France
https://soundcloud.com/faxtagoachefamilyJAYAKADUB - Spank crew/Solart - France
https://soundcloud.com/dj-melusineMISS TICK - World People Prod - France
https://soundcloud.com/djmisstickNA-TI - Zenon Record - Israel
https://soundcloud.com/na-timusicPYMS - Atomes/Zenon record - France
https://soundcloud.com/pymszenonTOTO - World People Prod -FR
https://soundcloud.com/skyhigh-piratesVisuels by Neoteroiscreen
FATSound System DNB & Light Show by "La Goache Family"
\\\\\_BIG CHILL_/////
Electronica / Bass music / Footwork / Drum and bass
Reims FR
https://soundcloud.com/helper-3SOFA SOFA
https://soundcloud.com/yanneck-hungrystudioOCELOT Chill __Eardream music__PT
https://soundcloud.com/aaronpeacock/ocelot-chill-bitsRYANOSAURUS__Glitch jazz Psypop___NZ
https://soundcloud.com/ryanosaurusmusic/sick-on-sundayREFLECTION__Experimental downtempo___AUS
https://soundcloud.com/gibbanez/exit-time-album-teaser-sampleGROUCH__Psydub Glitch Hop___Enig'Matik Records__NZ
https://soundcloud.com/grouchnz/organik-mechanik-vol-2-teaserDIRTY HIPPY & EVIL OIL MAN__Dubstep___Zenon records___UK
https://soundcloud.com/swaintree123/evil-oil-man-grimerLUNECELL___BassStep___Triple Drop Production__USA
https://soundcloud.com/tripledroprecs/rudimentary-structureGNAIA___Ethno Downbeats__FR
PAT AKA MANDRAGORA__Glitch Neurofunk Downbeats___Allemagne
https://soundcloud.com/the-pat-aka-mandragoraDj LOOPUS__Funkadelic Disko Lounge Electronica__ Fabula music__ Italie
https://soundcloud.com/dj-loopus-1/glitch-bass-diskofunk-set-atRADIO KAO___TwistedChill___Toulouse
https://soundcloud.com/radiokao23NA-TI___Psystep Glitch___Zenon records__Israel
https://soundcloud.com/na-timusic/na-ti-dots-all-the-way-2012ALANITA__Chillstep Funk___Uroboros Records__Brésil
https://soundcloud.com/djalanita2PYM'S__Glitch chillgrooves__Atomes__FR
https://soundcloud.com/pymszenon/pyms-funkhipstep-glitchopSAPHIR__Minimouse___Over lovers
+ Guests : Info à venir tres prochainement...
Chill out couvert sous chapiteau & big soundsystem
Préventes :
1ere phase : 40 euros
2eme phase : 50 euros
http://www.weezevent.com/atohm-festaccreditation stand : shops@atomes-asso.com
bénévoles : volunteers@atomes-asso.com
BASSE NORMANDIE / ORNE, proche d'Alençon